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Friday, July 23, 2004

An Army of Number One...

Urine the army now, or, "Help, I need a Vedic..." Brought to you by the organisation behind the "indestructible sandwich", which can stay fresh for three years.

US army food... just add urine
The US military has devised a way to ensure its troops in battle need never go hungry - with dried food that can be rehydrated using dirty water or urine.

The meal comes in a pouch that filters out 99.9% of bacteria and most toxic chemicals, says New Scientist magazine.

The aim is to reduce the amount of water soldiers need to carry.

The firm behind it says soldiers should only use urine as last resort - as the membrane can not filter out urea, which in the long term causes kidney damage.

"The pouch - containing chicken and rice - relies on osmosis to filter the water or urine," the New Scientist Magazine reported.

The liquid passes through a membrane, thin sheets of a cellulose-based plastic with gaps just 0.5 nanometres wide.

It means only clean water can reach the food, and the bacteria is left behind.

(via BoingBong)