
Politics, Sex, Religion, and all those impolite Human Conversations...

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Location: Oaksterdam, California

Thursday, October 28, 2004

BARBARians are very nice people.

Bay Area Bloggers and Readers night out drew a crowd slightly larger smaller than The Last Supper. And yes, we have readers: Ravazz, Ryan, and Tomato -we love you!

Update: Weird, I didn't think the above posted since blogger has been acting buggy (Blogger + what you pay for it = 0). Well back to the story...

We had folks coming from as far away as San Mateo and Santa Rosa. It was refreshing to meet and have unvarnished political conversation with highly informed people. It seems as rare as a lunar eclipse, oh wait...

Most repeated comments of the night:

"You don't look anything like I imagined," "You want another drink?," and "We got to do this again." Sorta' sounds like internet dating.

Generik posted some pictures and his take on the evening.

I want to thank everyone for coming.

Last note: I just started a Bay Area Bloggers section on the left above my blogroll. Please make suggestions.