
Politics, Sex, Religion, and all those impolite Human Conversations...

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Location: Oaksterdam, California

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The KEO4 Gay Meme

I have noticed an undercurrent on the web about the Gayness of the Dem ticket. Is Flash the latest for adding a dash of swish to the election?

In JibJab's latest spoof Good to be in D.C. they ask if they're Gay and the have Edwards with Kerry nude in bed saying they won't say.

Here are two clips going round that I found via one of my favorite sites. The Presidential Horror Show with Kerry dressed in Frankenfurter drag and Edwards clad in lavender.

The other has Kerry in the role of Freddy Mecury, an Aids victim, singing Political Bohemian Rapsody.

Considering all the anti-gay rhetoric coming out the Republican sound machine, I can't help wondering if this polictally motivated...