
Politics, Sex, Religion, and all those impolite Human Conversations...

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Location: Oaksterdam, California

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Terrible Consequences

I like this thought provoking point made by Tristero:
I'm struck that many on the left blogosphere have focused on the details of the Schiavo case rather than its larger meaning. That meaning is stark and disturbing: The Bush administration demonstrated in public - not in secret, as with the Gonzales torture memos - that they have the will and the means to overturn any law they disagree with. Regardless of what happens now to the Schiavo case, the right wing extremists who control our government have made their point. Openly, they have asserted, and proven, that they are literally above the law of the United States. They are now unequivocably beyond any judicial control. Only a fool would believe that they won't do this again on a different issue. And again. And again.

Too often we bloggers on the left get caught up in refuting the details and arguing minutiae. It's hard to let the little easily disprovable lies and half-truths go unchallenged.