
Politics, Sex, Religion, and all those impolite Human Conversations...

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Location: Oaksterdam, California

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

A Couch Potatoes' Alert

Now here is an idea Couch potatoes, it's time to drop the remote. E-mail the FCC. Stop the Parents Television Council before it gets beyond the TV.:
And through October of this year, apart from complaints over Janet Jackson's infamous "wardrobe malfunction," a full 99.9 percent of the complaints about indecency have again come from the Parents Television Council. That means a small group of highly mobilized conservative watchdogs has essentially driven the "moral values" campaign directed at the FCC.

Hey, blue staters, this is a much smaller picture than you ever imagined. Forget about looking at that depressing election map and feeling overwhelmed, like you're on a cultural island apart from the rest of the country. The sad fact is, while you've been pouting -- and prior to that, when you were watching Jon Stewart and gloating -- you let a small group of reactionary conservatives set the agenda.

So, read up on what the FCC thinks about OBSCENE, PROFANE & INDECENT BROADCASTS

And then send your thoughts to the FCC Chairman , Michael Powell

Lastly, can anyone explain why the Homeland Security Department is part of the FCC's Enforcement Bureau?