Back from the gates of Hell
Hello dear readers,
Last month I lost my internet service in the middle of creating a post (see below) which after all the Blogger headaches, made me want to take a vacation - a long European kinda' one.
So now I have to say the most common blog theme, "Sorry for not posting."
In a way it was good to get away from the narcisstic activity that blogging had become for me. I will be making a few changes around here and for the near future I will post sporadically. However I'm back, tanned, a few pounds lighter, and ready for action.
Thanks for sticking around.
Last month I lost my internet service in the middle of creating a post (see below) which after all the Blogger headaches, made me want to take a vacation - a long European kinda' one.
So now I have to say the most common blog theme, "Sorry for not posting."
In a way it was good to get away from the narcisstic activity that blogging had become for me. I will be making a few changes around here and for the near future I will post sporadically. However I'm back, tanned, a few pounds lighter, and ready for action.
Thanks for sticking around.