Thirty-three killed and 15 wounded during a few hours of
Horror at Va. Tech. Lives irrevocably changed, for the survivors and the families in mourning.
Violence and violent death scars a community. Grief counselors are already rushing to the scene to console and counsel those impacted. At the same time every idiot with an agenda wants to make point. More guns, less guns, more police and so on...
Politicians will join in with their pet policy proposals and surf this wave of grief. And most of country will get days of news flashes with predigested points of view and be told that something must be done. Done now, Damnit!
What will be lost is that each person dead will have a circle of family and friends grieving and being affected in their way; the injured will have scars to carry for life.
Will they react with thoughts of fear, revenge, or empathy for fellow sufferers around the world?
Will the national news descend like crows and document their despair? How will the paparazzi of tradgedy treat their stories?
I am not optimistic that this will not be exploited.
Will anyone notice that nearly 300
Iraqis Killed or Wounded in Day of Rage just this last Saturday?
I doubt it...